I have a 14 year old daughter who has awful period pains & heavy bleeding, she started her periods two years ago & they have gradually got worse.I wanted to know before we see the doctor is there anything anyone has used that’s worked that she can take to ease the symptoms of periods?Herbal or Pharmaceutical, she is a healthy sporty girl & it just breaks my heart to see her go through at such a young age what we all know to be awful.
4 Replies
Codeine is the only decent thing that works for me but doctors don't like prescribing it :(
My sister used to Hemridge every month, and her pain was out of this would. She would be bed ridden. In the end she was given panadine fort, and codine. This was back befor scripts were needed.
A Dr these days, will check hormone levels, want to know exactly how much she bleeds by using a menstrual cup. Will ask if she passes clots. They will likely script pain killers.
Put her on the pill. Pain relief strong enough to make a difference will make her feel terrible and she will just be laying around anyway. It will also help with flow so she won't become anaemic.
The pill doesn't work for everyone sadly. It didn't help with my periods at all!