How do I stop my child sucking their thumb?


How do I stop my child sucking their thumb?

Help! One of my 7 year old twins still sucks his thumb and no matter what I try I just can’t seem to get him to stop. He also uses a minky blanket as a comfort every night so possibly a sensory thing?

Posted in:  Kids

3 Replies


My son was a finger sucker. We used that nail stuff for people who chew their nails. Just make them wash hands befor eating then reapply.


Don't overthink eg sensory He does it to self sooth self regulate and to calm.


So what? He'll stop when he's ready. You don't see adults sicking thumbs or fingers... I sucked my thumb for comfort until I left home at about 17. Did no harm to my teeth or my brain! I knew where it was safe/appropriate to engage in the habit. Never teased, ever.
