Husband bathing in teenage sons old bath water


Husband bathing in teenage sons old bath water

My teenage son 15 likes to have baths every night (my poor water bill), and my husband always asks him to leave the water in so he can get in after. Anyone else think this is really gross? It is such a turn off and I feel gross about it. I have mentioned that I think it’s gross and he should just empty and refill but he doesn’t see any issue with it.
The thought of the dirty water filled with my son’s body dirt, genital dirt/debris (IYKYK), I wouldn’t put it past him to wee in the bath.

Am I in the wrong for thinking it’s disgusting??

Edit to say: no he didn’t grow up like this-at all. And he’s absolutely not doing it because he’s worried about the water bill. He doesn’t care about money or being frugal. He just doesn’t see the problem with what he’s doing. I have expressed a few times that I think it’s gross and that I think he should just run fresh water for himself but he doesn’t care.

Posted in:  Health & Wellbeing

5 Replies


Really gross but as a kid from the eighties this is what me and my 2 sisters did every night! So maybe he was raised the same and has failed to realise its pretty gross to do especially after a 15 year old boy that's doing god knows what in there! I would tell your son to pull the plug no matter what he says.


I mean, I can see why some people would need to share bath water as a matter of necessity. Times are tough for a lot of families right now.

However, I do think it's really weird to optionally take a dip in a teenagers used bath water.

Also, if your water bill is a a determining factor in this, maybe limit baths to once or twice a week. Showers use considerably less water.


Hahaha tell him to go first! We are on tank water only. I have the first bath. Kids go after. You sound like a snob. Try living on tank water for a day.


There’s no need for name calling!!!


I was told off around 10 years ago when I spoke about how gross this was on a parents page It seems it is more common than I thought, it was a mother posting about her husband saying it was gross though. She did similar to this.
I would never share bath water and would rather go without a shower or bath.
