Where would you go in the US following Disneyworld?


Where would you go in the US following Disneyworld?

Heading to Orlando next November for a family trip to Disneyland. Would like then continue traveling after for a week of so alone with my daughter who will be 21 then. I’ll only be 42 so after fun suggestions!

Where would you go? Where would you stay? What would you do? Happy to go to 2 places or just 1 is there is lots to do. It will be from 10 December so might be cold on some places.

2 Replies


I would personally go to Los Vegas because I've always wanted to go and there would be heaps to see and do in the 10 days. It's a big country so if you are criss crossing too much you might feel terrible because of the different time zones and climates.


Las Vegas or the Bahamas.
