How to leave a long term relationship with no where to go 😠He's not abusive but is a high functioning alcoholic (17 beers a night!!)
We have a 6 year old daughter together and I am not sure where/ how to start the process to leave .
I am currently working (part time) but don't earn enough to afford rent / living expenses.
Leaving relationship ?
Leaving relationship ?
Posted in:
Life Lessons, Relationships & Marriage, Self Care
3 Replies
start with the online centrelink/child support calculators, you might be surprised at how much you'll get.
if still not enough, look at full time work, after school care is very reasonable for single parents.
are you renting or do you own?
if you have assets, talk to a solicitor.
you need to be strong, resourceful and proactive as a single mum, this is just the beginning, good luck.
If he's not abusive have you tried to work with him and tell him you're at the point of leaving? This might be enough for him to wake up. I know it would be hard but so is being a single parent in the current climate. Plus you have the risk of him having his child unsupervised so she's in his care without you there. Courts don't just believe you because you say he's an alcoholic. I know I would rather at least try and get him help first before leaving and putting child at an even bigger risk than they are now.
Agreed. My father was a functioning alcoholic. Only 3-5 beers every evening. But he'd also go through 2-3 cartons on a weekend. Mum gave an ultimatum. In the end she did leave. But she wanted to try befor disrupting our lives. Some times leaving can actually make the relationship stronger