Anon Imperfect Mum


I’m needing some advice how to approach this with my partner. I’ve just had my first ever irregular pap results come back.
DOC didn’t mention HPV or anything apart from it’s not cells 16/18 so see you in 12 months for re-pap, just said that it will usually clear the body naturally within 12 months, nothing to be concerned about it’s very common.
He gave me a copy of the results as I asked as I felt off about how casual he was about something that can cause cancer, so I googled HPV CIN1 when I got home & it has scared me a lot …. I’ve booked into see my gyno but his next appointment is at the end of January.
I didn’t even realise this was an STI with so many different strains some being genital warts. I was getting yearly STD/STI, probably very naive but I honestly never even heard of HPV or what it was (previously married for over 20yrs clear paps). I know this is only picked up in paps so I could’ve had this for 5yrs.

I’m concerned I have now infected him & we will keep infecting each other or get genital warts. Not sure if I’m being very dramatic or not as I haven’t had this happen before or had to speak with a partner about this. I know he will have heaps of questions, I’m just wanting to answer best I can before gyno appt, but I’m feeling very very overwhelmed with this news myself trying to understand things also, I’ve read it’s very common.

Does anyone have any advice on how they have/had approached this with a partner, any good website with info?
Google is terrifying feel like I’m going down a rabbit hole spiraling.
Thanks ladies.

Posted in:  Relationships & Marriage

5 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

CIN 1 are low grade changes on the cervix. The chance of developing cervical cancer is unlikely. The abnormal cells will often go away on their own when your immune system gets rid of the HPV. It very common, the main cause of CIN is HPV infection, CIN itself is not a sexually transmitted disease.

The HPV virus can lay dormant in your body for years even decades. As with HSV ( different strain ) you can take lysine tablets to help prevent a breakout and wear protection when feeling a breakout
My friend had a breakout of HPV only one and now no longer has HPV it’s so common.

xx hope this settles your mind xx

Anon Imperfect Mum

Genital warts need to be frozen off and condoms are not protection enough as the warts can be anywhere in the genital and rectal area.
I have had the warts and I can tell you now they don't just disappear.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Yes they can. I had them and didn't get them frozen off. They went away on their own.

This was about 15 years ago and I haven't had them come back

Anon Imperfect Mum

Get off goggle , you are way over thinking those results. Go and have another pap smear in 12 months like you were advised and leave it at that. Way too dramatic for CIN1

Anon Imperfect Mum

If he is your first partner since breaking up with your 20 year relationship you have probably got it from him.
A Cervical screen cannot tell you if you have CIN 1 or not only a Colposcopy can.
11 years ago I had an abnormal smear, had the Colposcopy and I had CIN 3 with HPV other. Then had a LEEP. 6 months later clear. 6 months after that abnormal back for a colposcopy and CIN 1 stii HPV other. I then had a Cone biopsy. 6months later clear. 12 months later clear and 12 months later clear and put on to 5 years. Just had another abnormal smear with HPV 16 then a colposcopy showing no CIN.
It's not a death sentence but you should follow up. I dare say my partner who I've only been with 4 years is the carrier. As I hadn't been with anyone for a couple years before.
I've opted for a hysterectomy as I'm 50 next year and don't want the hassle.
