So the ex has started the mediation process. I have two questions. First question.
The mediation is going to cost me $275. If I cant afford this am I able to decline the mediation? And ask for a free mediation service?
Second Question.
As my partner left the city where we seperated, is it his responsibility to pay for our childrens travel expenses?
Oh and one more, as we seperated almost 7years ago now, and we have never done mediation before or court, we never legally divided assets. Am I still able to get 70% of his SuperAnnuation. (I dont intend on going for it, I just want it in my back pocket if he decides to play hardball). (PS. This man has been nothing but selfish, money hungry, unfair and emotionally abusive, I only have my childrens best interests at heart, and am really dissapointed that hes become this person, PPS. He has been paying me 36% less child support for the past year or so, and all of this has come about because he doesn't want to pay the correct amount)
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