I have a 4 year old son who point blank refuses to poo on the toilet. He stands to wee and has since day one and is also not in nappies at night. He says he is scared however I think its laziness, he does not soil himself just goes in a nappy, if I refuse this he doesn't go for days and ends up constipated. I have tried bribery, having him sit on toilet everyday but nothing works. Does anyone else have any ideas please?
3 Replies
I've used this method with a number if difficult pooers. It can take some time but worth a go. Patience is the key.
First step is he is allowed to poo in the nappy as long as he stays a set distance from the toilet. Some kids need to start off a long way from the toilet other kids can go straight in the toilet 'room'. Once he can do that you shrink the available space so eventually he is only pooing in the toilet room.
The next step is to allow him to stand on the toilet, with the lid down wearing a nappy to poo. The next step is sitting on the toilet to poo wearing a nappy. Usually once they will do that you can remove the nappy. Good luck
My son also 4 was a late toilet trainer and has only just recently gotten poos under control. Look up the book sneaky poos it really helped me a lot. Also I took my son out shopping he is right into Lego he was aloud to choose 3 Lego things I bought the with him and told him he could have one when he did a poo in the toilet. It took 3 days but he did it and got his Lego. Then it was a race to do a poo to get more Lego so he got a reward for the first poo and another if he had no accidents for two days and then another after a week. After this he hasn't looked back when he needs to go his off and does everything himself. Boys are a lot more difficult to toilet train than girls.
I feel your pain.! My son will be 5 in April and still will not do poos in the toilet! He sees a paedtrician and he just tells me he will do it when his ready.
Thanks to the first poster for the suggestion, Im going to give that a go to