My son is 2, he goes to daycare three days a week and is in the care of his grandparents the other two, while hubby and I are working (full time). I'm after suggestions on toilet training. I am imagining it's going to be a hard task for me considering I am at work :-/ I have tried sitting him on the toilet with his special seat that he loves, but all he is interested in, is playing with the toilet paper lol
Thanks in advance xx
Toilet Training
Toilet Training
Posted in:
Baby & Toddler, Potty Training
3 Replies
ReMember he is only 2 - boys tend to train a little later than girls. Is he giving you clues that he is ready? (Such as being dry in his nappy for long periods of time) speak to the daycare & work with them - that's the best way to do it in my opinion. Good luck!
Tell the daycare and get nan n pop on the same page as well so it's consistent between all of you. I don't believe that kids can be rushed into these things though.
Ask the daycare, they will start it and you and grandparents can do same at home