Hi Imperfect mummies i am just needing to vent i guess
We have a 6mo dd we were planning on ttc #2 when she is 12 months old but i saw in the news tony abbott has slashed/abolished the ppl scheme which makes me feel sick as i think now we could never afford another baby we are not rich but we are also not poor we get by week to week i guess with hubby's overtime some weeks with some to spare but i dont think there is anyway that we could survive we have a mortgage 160k 2 cars etc but i want to be a better mum to my child/ren and be able to stay home mum but were also looking to upgrade our house but now my dream may never come true and i doubt that i would get anything from centrelink as i get nothing now i guess i am probably looking into thing too much but it does get me down quite abit lately i get so upset when i see people on the dole getting everything for nothing seeing their kids grow up etc while i slave for everything and get no where i just dont know what to do anymore
11 Replies
Don't make the mistake of thinking those on the dole have an easy life! It's no picnic for the majority and quite humiliating. They will never own a home let alone have a bigger home. Let alone the judgement they receive from people like yourself.
Life is about compromise. Stay in a smaller house, nobody gets everything they want in life and the generations before us survived without PPL. I know that housing was cheaper but their expectations were also a hell of a lot lower in terms of cars, technology, clothing etc. your mortgage sounds very small for this day and age, and unless age is going against you it won't hurt to wait another 12 months to start TTC. You sound smart I'm sure you can find away to get what is really important to you
From the other side of it - I'm a single mum with 3 kids. I did not choose to be a single mum (I left an abusive marriage where my children were also being abused). Yes I currently receive single parent pension and full family tax benefit but I am also studying online to provide a better future for my kids and I. Centrelink is really not enough to live on. I live with family and that helps a lot. I see my kids but that's only because I study online and really at the end of the day I am always trying to get my study done and feel like I am shortchanging my toddler because I am always studying!!!
Have you looked at ways you can bring in an income while being at home. I know family day care you need a cert 3 in child care now, but they are not difficult to get and I believe you can still work in family day care while you are working towards your cert 3. It's something to think about.
I hate the attitude of "people on the dole getting everything". Try living it in it and see if you still have that attitude.
To answer your query, the best thing to do would be to try living on a budget now similar to the one you would be on later. Put the rest in savings for a rainy day. If you can't do it, then you either need to downsize or return to work. It's basic maths, live within your means. Good luck.
I'm fairly sure he isn't scrapping the current PPL scheme, but the one that he was wanting to bring where the mum would receive full pay for longer.
As others have said, your financial situation doesn't sound too bad - it could be worse. For comparison, I have just finished receiving PPL and will soon only receive $50-$100 a fortnight from Centrelink. Our mortgage is $250,000. We only have one car as we just can not afford to have a second, so I am stuck at home pretty much all day, everyday. We had made extra repayments into our loan while I was working so we will have to pull money back off there to make ends meet for the next few months. Also, there is a high chance I won't have a job to return to as it was relocated. I hadn't been with the company long so won't get much of a payout.
I think you might be over thinking things a bit, or just need to look at cutting back, or selling a car. If you stay at home, chances are you might be entitled to a small amount of FTB, which you might not be entitled to while working. While I don't know your full financial situation this combined with you husbands income should be enough to pay your mortgage, and pay bills. If I can do it (with a higher mortgage), you can do it :)
Sorry I don't know anyone who lives on the doll that has everything....i think reality for most people's lives is dreams don't come true. I know that sounds negative but we'd all be living in mansions been married to knight in shining armour if that was the case. I also left husband after domestic violence and had to go on single parent pension. It is not easy to live on, I barely could pay rent let alone anything extra for the kids. I too wanted to stay home but it just wasn't an option I am now full time at work and I still don't even have my own house! I think you are very lucky and shouldn't be looking to the government for help, in Australia we are lucky to have what we already have! If you want s bigger house or a better car I think you just have to sacrifice your desire to stay at home and have more children and go to work. You can't have it all.
totally agree! I would be a ballet dancer, three kids, fabulous husband, two cars, not a single mum, not on a carers pension (because although doable we will never ever own a home, buy a car newer than 15 years old, or get my hair cut more than twice a year). Oh and my son would be healthy and not have multiple illnesses and disabilities. I certainly don't have everything handed to me on a plate and would rather go back to work, but that isn't an option. Its a horrible feeling knowing that you have to rely on benefits for everything. Now don't get me wrong I'm actually very content and happy in my life, because I made a decision that what ever happened in my life I was going to make the most of it, stop worrying about what I thought my life would be and got on with it.
Lol you could get a job?
Wow i think you need to rethink everything. Those pn the dole are not upgrading trwid house, being a sahm with a working husband, or driving two cars. If you want to provide and have everything and more, then you need to put income earning high on your priorities. But to me it sounds like youd prefer to have a baby... its not impossible at all. Youve placed your own constraints on why you wont do it. Maybe you dont earn enough to hav everythinh you want, not many ppl do really. If having a baby is your dream, redraw your expectations ans other wants and make it happen.
Sorry to sound harsh but are you For real???
If you really want another baby don't upgrade your house get rid of one of your cars, hubby does more overtime... The government isn't here to fund your dreams that's your own job!!! Stop whinging and find a way!!
We had our first child at age 21, we had just purchased a house and loosing my income ment we were done to 55k a year. There was no paid parental leave. We tightened our spending wayyyy down and downsized one car. I returned to part time night and weekend work when she was 11 months. I have been working nights and weekends now for 8 years. My youngest just started school so I'm now looking for more work.
We wouldn't change it for the world. A mortgage of 160k should be affordable. Maybe consider consolidating car and house together.
Sacrifices are need but its worth it.
(And yes receiving anything back from the tax we pay would be FAIR, not FTB a&ab for us)
I think you make the decision to have kids based on if you can afford to have them..not what you will get from centrelink..centrelink is a benefit to help families in need sometimes for a short time while parents find jobs..if you really want another child you will find a way to afford it with out centrelink. .