Ready to move on.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Ready to move on.

Ladies, I need some clarity.

I don't want to be in my relationship anymore. We work great as friends, we're a pretty good team but there's next to no love. I hate being affectionate with SO, sex is non-existent and SO is ridiculously clingy.
SO is a brilliant parent and knows the relationship has fallen apart, tries extremely hard to do everything for me and make me happy which makes me feel awful.
I keep trying to leave, I want us to act out the inevitable and call it a day but SO won't let go. (SO has also done ALOT to destroy me emotionally but changed once child came).
That's where the issue is, always said my children would have the same parents. Walking away means I'm either contradicting myself or closing the door on more kids. The only reason we're still together is because of child.
I need to know outcomes of people walking away from relationships they no longer have feelings for and then also people that have stayed for the children and how that has worked.

Please and thanks.

Posted in:  Life Lessons, Relationships & Marriage, Self Care, FAQ

2 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Whats wrong with kids having different parents? In this modern day and age its very normal and where parents are thoughtful and caring (as it sounds like you are) kids are unharmed

Anon Imperfect Mum

I agree in the ideal world of perfect lives then yeah I get the IM point, but there are some things in life we just can't control for. If her partner died would she then refuse to have more kids if she met someone new?
In times of war when men died in huge numbers women got remarried and had more kids with the new partner, no big deal (well you know what I mean)
