I'm at my wits end with my three and half year old. We have been potty training for a little over a week and he has not improved! He has done three poos in the potty(he poos 1-3 times a day), one at his dad's and one my hubby got up to go to work and found him on the potty at five in the morning (so we know he is capable of doing it on his own).
I have been putting him on the potty every half an hour or so, but he will still poo and wee in his jocks. I have often found him on the potty, but he has already wet or pooed. I'm starting to think he is just lazy and it's easier for mummy to clean up then for him to just go in the potty. I've rewarded him when he has done poo in the potty and made a big deal of it, even brought jocks with his favorite characters but he won't improve. This is the third time in a year we have tried, but I know he is ready and capable this time. I don't know how to break him out of the habit, when he wore nappies or pull ups he doesn't care in the least if he is wet or smelly, and has never asked to be changed. Do I just stick it out and keep going? Any tips, advice or story's about terrible toilet trainers?
Three year old won't toilet train!
Three year old won't toilet train!
Posted in:
Baby & Toddler, Potty Training
4 Replies
You could try a pants alarm. It attaches to the undies and buzzes at the first few drops of leakage. Which is when you prompt him to go to the toilet. It sounds like he doesn't yet understand what it feels like to need to do a wee. Part of my job was toilet training difficult ones :)
Otherwise the old method of keeping them confined in a close environment so you can be looking for drips on the undies (they just wear jocks) as soon as you see drips that's when you take them to the potty. Otherwise they don't learn what it feels like when they need to go. Poo might be a little easier for him because it's a more obvious feel. Accidents are definitely part of the process.
My girl liked to do it in her nappy. Put him in jocks and watch like a hawk, take him to sit on the toilet as you are also when you see him cop a squat or whatever is his poo signs grab him and run To sit on toilet / potty. Then praise praise praise. My girl relapsed with some changes and holidays and just would not go On the toilet again so we had to make a new reward box, with little toys and stickers and stamps in. She can choose one when she does it on the toilet ( even if you've run him there at first, to get him excited about it) consistency is key, and find out what his currency is.
I'm sorry,this upsets me! A week is no time at all!!! It takes months to train a child! It took 4 months for my daughter to stop having accidents! She was ready too! You're already calling your child lazy! They are learning! Chill!
I'm sorry,this upsets me! A week is no time at all!!! It takes months to train a child! It took 4 months for my daughter to stop having accidents! She was ready too! You're already calling your child lazy! They are learning! Chill!