I nearly choked on my wine!
You see, I often think that of other people. But for people to think that of me?? - Well that’s just ludicrous!
Here’s a list of why my life IS NOT Glamorous!
1. My car makes a loud pitched squeeling sound when it starts AND has no Aircon and is ALWAYS messy!
2. My bedroom is currently sporting a “floordrobe”.
3. My yard is overgrown with weeds.
4. I’m mostly dis-organised. - Something I’m working on.
5. I forget stuff all of the time.
6. I have about 3000 loads of washing to do.
7. I’m often sorting through the clean piles washing to find clothes to wear.
8. My daughter often goes to school with mix matched sox.
And, there’s more.. but, I reckon i’ll stop there!
So, the moral of the story is don’t compare! because you will just be comparing yourself to something that doesn’t exist.
People only ever show you there highlight reel.
10 Replies
I know I shouldn't compare ... but WOW ... we sound exactly the same hahaha
Ha ha!! - Love that Reanna!! xx
Hahaha, so true!
Too true. I'm always talking about the highlight reel!
Yep, the highlight reel is alive and kicking huh!
No 1. need to change fanbelt lol. Other then that...we sound the same :D
Yep, this! I'm a mechanic, and it sounds like your alternator belt either needs to be tightened or checked for damage & replaced. Tightening is a quick job when you know what you're looking for and you shouldn't get charged for 30sec spanner labour. ;)
Haha, I just snort laughed at the floordrobe, have you been peeking in my windows Kristy? Sounds like my life. Xo
Ditto to most of that... not much glamour here either