Hi, all new to this but I hav a question mil had asked me if I new an amy I said no she said that my 3 year old kept saying amy broke it, amy did it, amy is naughty, shh amy is sleeping etc well for me this is a first his never did any this with me she says that he had an guardian angel watching over him. She is a catholic religion and I'm christian but I don't go to church every Sunday. What I wanted to know is it a guardian angel or is it imagery friend he has? What is a guardian angel?
3 Replies
I would say it's an imaginary friend. My niece has an imaginary friend called Kevin and is the same age. Which is the right age for an imaginary friend.
If you are religious a guardian angel is an angel that watches over you and protects you. 'Amy' sounds like a pretty crappy guardian angel (if you believe in angels) because she is getting your child in trouble :) just ignore your MIL it sounds like she is reading too much into something that is a normal childhood phase/game.
Imaginary friends are very common from 2-4 and can last a few weeks to several months. My three year old has 'Annie'. Imaginary friends are a great sign of development with regards to their creativity.
My daughter first introduced us to her imaginary friend "JJ" around 3 years of age, many "friends" have come and gone since then. She is almost 5 now and her current friend has been with us for about 18 months. I worried at first that she may have been lonely as she is an only child, but a child psychologist advised us that she just has an active imagination and it's quite normal for kids her age to have imaginary friends. My advice is embrace it, so long as your little one is happy, there's no harm in it :)