Second child planning woes..

Anon Imperfect Mum

Second child planning woes..

Hubby and I are happy with just one child, but talks recently have had us thinking about how DD would feel about being an only child..

SO and I both had a younger sibling, so I would like to know from other single children now how they felt about it growing up, and to parents happy with only one child, what made you decide just one?

To parents with multiple children - how do you do it? Time management between children and working and exhaustion?

Due to mental health, PPD, coping being a young mum, not.having that immediate connection with bub.. I'm unsure as to whether I can go through raising a newborn again, but Iso ddesperately want another child. Not right now, but soon, like within the next year or two.

I feel it would be different second time around, especially now I have help available to me.. That being older and having gone through it once will somehow make it less of a struggle..

We can definitely afford number 2. Money is not an issue.

Posted in:  Mental Health, Post Natal Depression, Anxiety & Depression, Parenthood Guilt, Pregnancy

3 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

I come from a large family and I just want to say that having a sibling is no guarantee of having a friend or company or even support later in life. Some siblings are close and some get as far away from each other as soon as they can. So much is to do with personality types.

I think you have another baby for the pure reason you and your partner want one, not for emotional support and entertainment for another child.

Anon Imperfect Mum

My youngest is 6 months and just recently he and his brother have started interacting a lot. It just melts my heart. They giggle at each other and the youngest follows the oldest around. I couldn't imagine just one child.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Sounds like you're just behind me! I struggled with that decision for a while for the same reasons, hubby and I are now expecting number 2 in 2 months! there's a good age gap (5 1/2 years) but I'm more satisfied that emotionally I'll be able to handle things better this time and with this gap. I'm the youngest of 4 but the only girl, I talk to my parents more than my brothers (it's always been that way) and consider my friends family more than my brothers. Hubby is 1 of 4 boys and they are all great friends. You can't pick if siblings will be best friends or not but there will always be some sort of relationship there. Good luck with everything ☺
