What I love about her is she never judges me, she always accepts me for who I am. I would trust this woman with my life she is more like a sister to me, we have been through so much together…
Anyway… here she is..
Hello fellow I.M’s!
At the time of writing this ‘about me’ – I had 14 people like my first I.M post ever, so in true I.M fashion – here are 14 things about me!
- God is first and foremost in my life. I’m an imperfect mum depending on a Perfect God
- I don’t like doing things religiously. I know this may seem to contradict the first, but i don’t like being told i HAVE to do something. I often go with the flow and aim for love above all else.
- I have 4 children (they are addictive! Ha ha!) G7, B5, B3, G10mths. How i ended up with 2 boys and 2 girls – with 2 of them blue eyed and 2 brown eyed i have no idea!!! Love them all to bits!
- I’m 31 years old – and have known The Imperfect mum since i was 14 while working at Harley’s Educational. I then went onto work at Visual Obsession – also with Kristy. I then left work nearly 8 years ago to be mother and I have been a ‘stay at home’ mum ever since (although, I’m rarely at home!!)
- It’s actually quite amazing just how closely Kristy and I have shared our parenting journey! I was 9 months pregnant when her son Titan was born, our second children i think are only a couple of weeks apart and my third child is 3, just like her 3rd child Texas is. Kristy just needs to have one more…
*wink wink* I understand totally that ‘Imperfect Mum’ is Kristy’s baby! I’m SO honoured that i just get to hold it and help out when i can to give her some time off – But I’m not dealing with any poo though thanks Kristy!! Ha ha! You can do the clean ups!!! =D But, like a true mum, she will always be 1# and I plan to play a very background role… I have enough kids already!!
- People are super special to me. I don’t let go of friendships easily. It hurts me a lot to know when someone is upset or angry with me. I try to live at peace with people as much as i can. I like to deal with things asap so that bitterness doesn’t grow. Life is too short not to. Each person i know is a gift.
- I often have my head in the clouds. Just appreciating the sky and what goes on up there and how beautiful it all is! Stars, Clouds, Sunrises n Sunsets… so often we take it for granted!
Kristy swears more than i do tee he he!
- I have a bad habit of what a good friend of mine labels as “ATW” where i ‘Assume the Worst’ too often. “Hey Kelly, i can’t catch up” = in my head that I’ve done something wrong. It’s something i wish i could change, but I am getting better though.
- I am yet to visit a house that is smaller than ours. Every now and then when the toys build up and I trip over kids it can begin to eat at me – but most days I love how cosy it is.
- My ‘stay at home’ mum journey has had many ups and downs – dark days and good days – but I LOVE where i am in life. Given the chance, I wouldn’t change a thing. In fact, i doubt i will ever ‘work’ full time again. I’d rather stick to my 2nd hand attire and spend more time on what really matters. “One handful of peace is better than two handfuls of hard work and of trying to catch the wind”
- I love questions. Asking them, answering them, thinking over them, learning from them. It’s how we learn and grow. Bring it on!! The more we can learn from each other, the better. And it’s amazing just how comforting it is to hear that someone else has gone through or been where you are at and has made it through… that’s why i love ‘The Imperfect Mum’ group.
- I believe when a sisterhood like ‘The Imperfect Mum’ gets behind and supports each other – it is a powerful tool for both good and bad. Words have such power. To make or break. I think Kristy has done an amazing job at monitoring the group and i would like to thank each of the mums that are on here for all that you do in helping each other.
- I love life and I feel blessed to be living it..
Phew – I’m glad all 4600 of you didn’t ‘like’ the post!! ha ha!
Thanks again to Kristy for this opportunity. Honored to be able to help in anyway i can. Sorry for yakking on too much! Much love to all you mums! Here if you need me…
xK (Aka – IM2)
5 Replies
Aww Kell...you will do an amzing job! Like I always say to you, if anyone would make me want to have a kid it would be you, your so carefree with all 4 of them and that is why they all have such a lovely nature.
You know that I love how you have the Steve Irwin approach to parenting..."Who cares if they play in the mud, get paint on them or play with their food...they are kids exploring and it will all just comes out in the next laundry wash" - LOve you for that so much!
Good luck with this you IM2 you x
hey hello and lovely to meet you x
Woo hoo! Welcome! We don't bite :)
Nice to meet you Kelly!!! The yin and yang of IM.... love it
Hey Kell, Great post, well done. Looks like I've got one more blog to add to my list of favourites :-)