So today I am going to the doctors. I'm am sh***** myself. I haven't had a period since March . No contraception since end of October. I know that I am not pregnant as I have done multiple tests. I'm so worried that after all tests they are going to come back to say im infertile. Me and my partner are wanting to start our own little family. And I already feel like I have failed.
I just need some reassurance I guess from wonderful ladies like yourselves that it is possible to go through all of this and had the outcome you have wanted?
3 Replies
Firstly being infertile is not a failure.
Secondly there are so very many reasons why someone skips or stops getting a period and often they are reversible. Stress, weight gain, weight loss, over exercising are just a few of the reasons your body to stop doing it's thing.
It's good you are going to the doctors though and getting some answers.
I have never had a normal period it took us 7 months and 2 early stage miscarriages (<5weeks) also known as chemical pregnancies. Before falling pregnant with our first we had technically stopped trying when he come along. Then my period some what went a little more normal it was a little more regular making it much easier the second time around so much so I felt ovulation and can tell you exactly what day/night my daughter was conceived :) I went on birth control after my second as we where not sure if we wanted another and figured it was a few years away we our thoughts where to wait until our daughter started kindy I on birth control fell pregnant in December but sadly misscarried and have mass amounts of difficulty with my periods I've had surgery for endomeriosis (found to be not present) now trying to conceive baby number 3 and it is not happening for us. I have since found out I'm not ovulating so my doc has me on clomid tablets hopefully this works and we will be able to announce baby number 3 at Christmas :)
it could be something as simple as that for you also. best of luck on your journey
This time last year..I was in the exact same position as you are now. Hadn't had my period for 3 1/2months..wondering what the hell was going on as hubby & I were both trying to conceive. In my situation, turned out I had bilateral dermoid ovarian cysts. (Basically 1 cyst on each ovary)- non cancerous. And the cysts had grown to a point where they were 'blocking' my body wasnt ovulating, had no cycle, & no periods- no way of conceiving. I had the cysts removed and we are on the road to trying to conceive again. Let me tell you your not alone when you worry about being infertile. That was my first thought when I found out I had the cysts. In my case, the cysts were removed but they also had to remove one ovary as well because the cyst had grown into it and it was safer to remove ovary & cyst. We have started ttc again recently so we're not expecting yet...but please don't feel like you've failed because you haven't had your period for quite a while. As another person said..there are many many reasons why you might not be getting periods.