Could I be depressed?


Could I be depressed?

Hi there

I'm just after some advice, I have booked an appointment with my GP tomorrow but thought an input from other mummies won't hurt.

Firstly let me start by saying I love my husband and children with all of me inside and out. But, lately I've been overcome with feelings of loneliness and I'm non stop feeling exhausted. My baby doesn't sleep well and I find myself questioning what I'm doing wrong. I don't feel like I great mum or wife. I feel average at best. I can't remember the last time I felt like I was good at something or felt like I love myself. I'm starting to wonder if it could be depression. My dad suffers on and off with depression but never has medicated he just pushed through regardless of what we tell him. Have any mummies on here been diagnosed with depression. Can it be post natal even though my youngest baby is 8 months old?

Thanks in advance sisters xxx

Posted in:  Mental Health, Post Natal Depression, Anxiety & Depression

1 Replies


PND can be diagnosed up until a child is 4 (OMG right??) so absolutely your depression could be PND. Having a family history makes you more likely to suffer from it too unfortunately.

I would always encourage someone struggling to consult their GP so I'm pleased to see that you've already arranged that. As well as talking about how you're feeling I would be asking for some blood tests - sometimes vitamin and mineral deficiency or thyroid issues can manifest as mood disturbances, not to mention the tiredness you're feeling. Make sure you have some help at home too - if hubby can step in with bub a bit maybe to take the pressure off? Also, if you are or have been breastfeeding, has anything changed in that department (bub dropped feeds suddenly or you've switched to formula?) as sudden changes can cause mood disturbances too.

Yes, I have suffered depression on and off for many years. Sometimes medicated, sometimes not. I'm currently dealing with a relapse and I can definitely relate to your feelings.

I hope that your GP is helpful tomorrow and you can start to get back on track xxxxx
