Need to get out of this situation


Need to get out of this situation

I am a single mum of two gorgeous girls. 6yo and 2.5yo. their father left us when the youngest was 3 months old. And has since now living with our receptionist. Cliché hey!
So I have no friends here. The friends I had have since friended my ex and his new partner.
Living in the tropics is difficult with the weather.
And this is a very expensive place to live.
So what prompted this message is I am unwell.
My youngest got sick, then my eldest, and now me.
I have no one to call to help. I had a quick lay down on the couch, I have now got up to the kids into the red food colouring, meals are out of the freezer, spare room has been raided and stuff everywhere, dishes piling up, washing everywhere. Weather is too hot to go out.
Im feeling very alone, and helpless.
I want to move back to my hometown to be with my family interstate with the girls but the father of them won’t let me.
We have just spent the last two years in and out of court with property settlement, and now it appears I have to go back to court to be able to live where I want to live.
My weight has suffered, I have reflux, increasing requirements of my antidepressants, stress induced skin condition (granuloma annulare), gingivitis, chronic tiredness.
I am under a psychiatrist, see my GP regularly, and seeing a Dr about further tests about my skin condition.

Do any of your member have any advice, or have been in a similar situation?

With thanks

Posted in:  Relationships & Marriage, Mental Health, Post Natal Depression, Self Care, Baby & Toddler, Kids

2 Replies


I was in NT For A short time with my sons father he was born in another state and we moved there for work. My ex he was very controlling, unstable telling me to F off daily ect. I left to be with my family back to the state he was born as I had no one plus a young baby that didn't sleep. He got a recovery order and I had to go back, I had no where to go and had to like in a women's refuge. He got to stay in a big fancy house. He did pay me a living allowance but NT Is very expensive and I couldn't afford a rental plus bills. I was fighting it in court which is an extremely long emotional hard process! And mine was an "urgent" case. Took 10 months (usually much longer) to get it to final hearing but the father ended agreeing to us all moving back but only to a place where he wanted to go! I said yes because it was better then being in another state away from my family. It seems the lawyers have no compassion for you and it's all a big game to them sometimes. It is really hard. But you need to meet people get out there and have a life it will really help you and your kids. It's the only thing that got me through it.


Please, PLEASE get legal advice. All these women on facebook encouraging you to just pack up the kids and leave . . . It is the wrong advice. For your sake and the kids, please don't listen to them and do it right. I am in no way saying don't try to go, but if you just take off it could go so badly for you. Go through legal channels. It will be hard but it would be so much harder if a court forces you to relocate back.
