Am I wrong ?

Anon Imperfect Mum

Am I wrong ?

My family are having a big birthday party with many members I haven't seen in a long time.
My ex partner has also been invited. So I will not be attending. Just to avoid all drama and conflict.
I've just been told they will be here tonight and are having a BBQ. So I've said tk my ex, to save him driving two trips between our towns (80km) two days in a row, that I'd like to take my son up to see my family tonight and that when he came up for the party Saturday he could then take our son home with him afterwards.
I am also very skeptical that if I let him take my son today he will be very hurtful and not bring him up to see my family. They all live quite a distance away and have never really met my son. That's the type of oerson he is, he thinks he hurts me but really he's hurting our son. Do you think I'm in the wrong ?

Posted in:  Life Lessons, Self Care, Health & Wellbeing, FAQ

2 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

I think not attending the gathering may create more drama. Can you put on a brave face just for the weekend? You'll have lots of family to catch up with I gather? Surely you can avoid conflict with your ex for a couple of days? Won't you regret missing out? What if the opportunity to have all your family together doesn't come around again??

Anon Imperfect Mum

I don't understand why your ex is invited to YOUR family birthday celebration? But I think you should go anyway. You're family, so you're more important to be there.
I wouldn't let him have early custody if you want your child to meet your extended family.
