


Hello sisterhood! Im asking for some advice on getting a boob job. I had always had large breasts, was the one thing I had going for me! Until I had my second child and breast fed, they disappeared sp fast, I went from the skinny girl with the big boobs to nearly head member of the itty bitty titty committee!!! Anyway! Im going to get a boob job, but! Im not done having children, and I do plan to breastfeed! Should I wait? I've read you can breast feed with fake boobs but it may be a bit harder then usual. If I get my boobs done and have another child and breadtfeed, will it completely ruin the boob job? Thanks!

Posted in:  Life Lessons, Self Care, Health & Wellbeing, Pregnancy, Baby & Toddler, Baby Feeding

2 Replies


I don't know if it'll 'ruin' the work done, but it can cause problems with breastfeeding.

From a fellow itty bitty titty after breastfeeding member, I suggest you wait if you have your heart set on breastfeeding again.


As a member of the huge titty committee, mine went from big to bigger after each child...i now am a 10HH before my last child I was a 10F so i would wait because you may have lost them now but #3 may bring them back! ? goodluck with it all
