Child and sleepwalking!

Anon Imperfect Mum

Child and sleepwalking!

Hi IM's!!
The last 6 or 7 months my 8 year old daughter has started sleep walking!! I have spoken to a doctor about it as its starting to get dangerous. The other night my husband woke up to her standing on the bench in the kitchen, i have found her outside (yes i lock the doors, she unlocked them with the key and everything!!), in the shower (thank god only cold water was turned on) have even found her in the fridge. I understand many people sleep walk but im not liking waking up to these scary situations at all hours of the night. We have made sure she is getting enough sleep, have tried sleeping in with her, have tried many doctor remedies but nothing seems to even slow them down. Just wandering if any other families have experienced this? Is there something to stop the dangerousness of it? I dont want her to feel like she needs to be locked in her room to sleep or anything like that. I have spoken to her about it like what she dreams about, if something is troubling her through the night but she doesnt know that she does anything, doesnt recall anything the next morning. Just hoping for a little bit of advice. Thanks in advance! :)

Posted in:  Self Care, Kids, FAQ

1 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Get one of those alarms that rings when you walk through the doorway in shops and install it on her bedroom door. That should wake you up before the danger starts. If she hadn't seen a sleep specialist doctor make sure she does. Make sure you lock the back and front door with a key and keep the keys in your bedroom next to your bed and get locks installed on Windows. Make sure you lock anything dangerous away at night.
I know how hard it is. I have a special locked cupboard that sharp knives, poisons, cleaning products, matches and medicines get locked in every night. The key stays with me.
