Hi everyone, I would just like to ask if anyone else had a strange reaction to breast pumps? I'll start from the beginning. When my son was born breastfeeding kicked off to a great start but at 3 weeks he had dropped further below his discharge weight. He was hospitalised and was put on formula for mix feeding until I got my milk back up to completely breastfeed again. I successfully got my milk back up, he started gaining good amounts of weight back and he was discharged after a week. I kept up the top up feeds with either expressed milk or formula as subscribed until he was satisfied on the breast. But he could never feed well and my milk kept dropping and had to be on medication and pump to keep supply up. After a few months I started having a strange reaction to my breast pump. My nipple was expanding until it was so large it would scrape the sides of the pump and ripped them up. It was so painful and blood was bleeding. I couldn't feed with cracked nipples and I couldn't pump. So I had to keep stopping and starting again once healed. But as soon as I got the pump back on and going they enlarged again. It was scary and I didn't think anyone could help. Changing pump cup sizes didn't help and it happened with both manual and electric. I have never read about this happening to anyone and I couldn't find anything on it. Doctors were already telling me to quit so I didn't think a lactation nurse could help. I'm not sure if it was the medication or an allergic reaction but it only happened a few months after starting. I eventually had to quit altogether at 4 months. Years later I found out he has a undiagnosed lip tie so it explains how he had trouble feeding. I'm wanting to breastfeed again in the future and hope with my knowledge of lip and tongue tied I will be able to go without a breast pump... Because I'm terrified of ever trying one again .. Please has this ever happened to anyone else? And did you find out what was happening ?
3 Replies
No. Just wanted to suggest it is possible to continue to breastfeed without pumping, just feed when you can and top up with formula when needed, nixing the pump altogether. I hope it works for you next time, it normally does second time around we're much better armed and prepared to make choices.
My supply literally dropped to almost nothing without pumping as he couldn't stimulate my milk flow. Pumping was almost all I had
Oh no, sorry to hear. I hope it works out better next time, there's a good chance it will. All the best.