My 1 year old won't eat "normal" food and it's driving me nuts. He's even started spitting out his favourite foods. Has anyone else had this problem?
My 1 year old won't eat "normal" food and it's driving me nuts. He's even started spitting out his favourite foods. Has anyone else had this problem?
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1 Replies
My 4 yr old is still fussy, won't eat meat or whole Veges, good thing preschool has helped him understand healthy choices. Only eats brown bread and lots of fruit, Though as long as he has his Veges which for me he will only have if puréed and mixed with Apple I don't mind (so I cook up heaps in slow cooker, add lentils and barley then process and freeze in muffin tins to make easier), I have also kept up a bottle of formula to ensure he gets all vitamins and nutrients he needs. Been told by GP not to worry he is healthy and will eat it oneday though can be frustrating, don't worry what others say as long as you know your wee one is eating growing well and happy it will work out, as other have said no child will starve themselves hopefully will pass soon for you.