How can I help my 3 year old to poo in the toilet?

Anon Imperfect Mum

How can I help my 3 year old to poo in the toilet?

Hi Mums,
I'm REALLY struggling with teaching my little boy (3) how to poo in the toilet. He's been in undies full time for months now and has no issues with wees. We have some really good talks about using the toilet but he still always goes in his undies. I really want to help him but I'm not sure how?!

Posted in:  Baby & Toddler, Potty Training

2 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Watch for signs that he needs to poo, and take him to the toilet then. Let him play on your phone, eat lollies, read books while he sits on the loo because he can be there for awhile.
Once you get the first one or two it gets much easier.
You are going to have to watch him like a hawk for a few days. Some kids will hide, others will squat, others will lean forward look for his signs that he needs to go.

Anne Belfrage

hi there,
I just really wanted to reply because I thought I was the only person in the WORLD still having this problem with my 3yr old. It has become nerve racking for me to take him to day care because at the end of the day I have to talk to the carers about how messy his day has been etc. We can have good days and then several horrendous days in a row.
And yep, I have read all the recommendations, I am always looking for 'signs', we have tried reward charts, treats and my newest edition is a funky egg timer that sits in the bathroom and he has to wait for it to ring before he is allowed to get off the toilet/potty. It is showing signs of being helpful but he still doesn't initial going to the toilet himself.
Hang in there, also google toilet training watch. This is my next step if the egg timer doesn't work out.
