My 2 year old absolutely hates nappies he takes off what ever he is wearing to take his nappy off. And he refuses to use the potty or the toilet we have spent over $200 on buying him stuff to potty train him and he just refuses and screams. He doesn't mind being around the toilet if he's watching his daddy use it and his daddy picks him up because he loves to flush the toilet. But no matter how much we encourage him he still refuses.
He also bashes myself and my husband (his daddy) but plays gently with his baby brother its driving me insane, we do everything with them, we read to them at night take them to parks let them run and play, well our youngest boy is only just crawling but I hope you know what I mean.
My eldest boy also refuses to eat anything that we give him he just throws it in our face which for mW is heart breaking. I don't know what to do
4 Replies
What have what you described is typical toddler behaviour. But it can also be red flags for something else. So I think it's important to talk to your GP about the situation.
Practical things you can do in the meantime. Buy a bunch of those zip up all in one swimsuits. Put them on over his nappy, with the zip up the back. It will buy you some time to gather your reserves in preparation for toilet/potty training.
What methods of training have you used??
As to the food, don't worry about it until after you've spoken to your doctor. As long as he isn't underweight that's just him being a 2 year old. At 2 years old food becomes much less crucial as there growing slows right off. Tiny little amounts and lots of choices.
Potty training:- we have tried the normal potty where he can sit on it while watching TV we have tried the potty that sings and everything we have given him toys to keep him occupied while sitting on it he used it once and he went out to his Granny's house for the weekend and won't go near them again he just screams as soon as he sees it. We brought a step for the toilet and a seat that goes on the toilet and painted it different colours for him as he likes multicolored things and as soon as his granny seen that she did it for her house and he screams as soon as he sees it. We let him run out the back without a nappy on ( he wears a shirt) but won't pee or anything until he gets a nappy on and as soon as he does he rips it off
Potty training:- we have tried the normal potty where he can sit on it while watching TV we have tried the potty that sings and everything we have given him toys to keep him occupied while sitting on it he used it once and he went out to his Granny's house for the weekend and won't go near them again he just screams as soon as he sees it. We brought a step for the toilet and a seat that goes on the toilet and painted it different colours for him as he likes multicolored things and as soon as his granny seen that she did it for her house and he screams as soon as he sees it. We let him run out the back without a nappy on ( he wears a shirt) but won't pee or anything until he gets a nappy on and as soon as he does he rips it off
Definitely sounds like he isn't ready. You could go with the swimsuits for now. They are not hot so can be warn under the clothes. We use them a lot in the sector I work in for kids who strip there nappies off.
Otherwise you could just let him go nappy free and continue to let him ask for a nappy, but soon as he has gone take it off of him.
A method of training I've used in the clinic I worked in was letting the child pee in the nappy but they could only do that in a set area. That set area was pretty large but involved part of the bathroom/toilet. Over time we'd shrink the allowed area (very slowly) until the child could only pee in the nappy next to the toilet. We'd then move to sitting on the toilet with a nappy on, then remove the nappy.