How do others toilet train

Anon Imperfect Mum

How do others toilet train

I have a 2yr old who is 3 in August. I am 4 months pregnant so would ideally like to have him toilet trained before number 2 baby is here.
I personally feel he is not ready. For a 2 year old he does not talk in sentences. He has jibberish lingo, says please and mum all the time and sometimes thankyou, car, truck. He understands things though. I will say do something and he will like, want a drink? And he goes to the fridge and waits.

I have only had 2 days of training. All accidents. I try 1st thing in morning and shortly after a drink or meal. He knows when he pees. I wilI say "oh you peed" and he shows me where I just have no idea how to connect to him to make him use the toilet. We have a potty and a cushion type seat you put on toilet too. I honestly feel like not bothering until he communicates with me verbally better then starting again. It doesnt bother me buying 2 nappies at once or having a 3 year old in nappies.

All help appreciated

Posted in:  Baby & Toddler, Potty Training

4 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

I wanted my son trained at 2, aswell. I pushed it hard and it was TOO early! 18 months later he FINALLY got it. And you know what? If I didn't try him that early, I think he would have toilet trained a lot easier. I say wait for him to show interest. I mean, give it a go, but if it's failing miserably after a week, then back off and try at a later date. I made a mistake trying too early and put us through hell of 18 months,.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Don't push it. I kept trying and trying and getting upset and frustrated. At 3 years 3 months he ran to the toilet one day and just did it. From then on we only had occasional accidents

Anon Imperfect Mum

I've toilet trained a lot of kids. The methods used vary on where the child is at.
If you want to try it......
My preferred method and the one I've had most success with is watching for queues the child needs to go to the toilet. Do they squish there legs together, do they stand still, does there penis change (we usually go pant less for a couple of days). What are your child's queues that they need to do a wee? Then once I have that piece of info, when I see the queue I prompt them to say 'toilet' and take them to the toilet.
We usually sit on the toilet for up to 5mins (we have entertainment ready to go) and soo as they wee, we praise and make a big party of it. If they don't pee they are allowed off the toilet but without the praise and we wait for the signal again.
The younger the child the more supervision is required I find, and whatever method you use to be successful you need to watch them like a hawk. But accidents are part of the process, the more you can watch and supervise the less accidents.
The ideal time to toilet train from my experience is when a child knows they are ABOUT to pee. As they can warn you. It's a much quicker less supervised process then. Some kids learn that on there own and sone kids need to be taught that step. The method I've mentioned above teaches the child to recognise the about to.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Try him now but if he doesn't get it after a few days he probably isn't ready, I've always waited till my kids were around 3, I find that way they are more mature to be able to just click and get it, my mum is a child care worker and she has seen so many parents try for months, running the child to the toilet every ten minutes and then now clicking for ages. It's not worth it!! Toilet training is so easy when they are ready. Try him but if it's not easy then wait. Here is no harm having no two kids in nappies! I do at the moment!!
