How to mentality live as a single mum

Anon Imperfect Mum

How to mentality live as a single mum

Single mothers how do you do it!!
My babys dad has never been here so i wouldn't know what it is like to have someobe to help.
How do you keep up with everything.My baby is 4 months and i am finally loosing it. I live by my slef and have no help. My mum doesnt want to have any part in my daughters life. She wont even come over for a cuppa. She has broken my heart over the past few months. She was there during my birth even cut the cord and then dumps me!
She came round the other day and i begged her to change my daughters nappy as i just need a bit of help. She just took her nappy off didn't wipe her or anything and walked out of the room leaving her on the bed and she almost fell off!
Today isn't a good day. My daughter has been screming all day i have a migraine havnt slept for days and there is so much to do. i have court coming up and need to get all the paperwork in this week and she won't stop.
Where can i go for a bit of help. I have family in town but no one wants to help me i don't know why. My mum always says ive changed my nappies i don't need to change any more but thats not what i want i just want some to vent to someone to come around and give me company.
I'm so lonely so guttered. Because i have noticed since having my daughter no one loves me. My ex told me this once and now i believe him. He told me that only he loves me im almost ready to drop the avo and go back to him but he moved on as soon as i left which makes me feel worse because he never loved me either even after all the years we were together. I'm so low im thinking being with his abuse and having help is better than having no one and my Mother being so horrible to me.
I just don't know how much more i can take. What do i do?

Posted in:  Mental Health, Post Natal Depression, Anxiety & Depression

1 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Get to your GP! You need a counsellor to talk to. Ask your GP for a referral. You can also phone lifeline when you need someone to vent to. You could also see your local baby clinic (do you still have your blue book?).

The reason you got into a shitty relationship is because your family is shitty. It's not you, it's them.

I've been on my own since my son was born, get the mental health stuff sorted and once you get past the court case and as bubs gets older it gets far easier.
If there is a daycare centre look at putting baby in one day a week. It seriously saved my sanity. It gave me a day to sleep and breath.
