working SM is it worth it?

Anon Imperfect Mum

working SM is it worth it?

After a combined total of three hours sleep I'm about to start placement for a job that I can only work at most 20 hours a week for when qualified. I'm a SM and with center link it will be at most $200 extra a week. I have to drive 45 minutes after getting everything baby needs for a day together and getting myself presentable and ready to start st 7 (4.30 /5am wake up) and I justccan't seem to justify missing out on so much time with my 7month old for a lousy $200 a week. Thoughts? Motivation?

Posted in:  Mental Health, Sisterhood Stories, Kelly (IM2), Parenthood Guilt

3 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

It depends on how well you are coping financially now, and what are your chances of getting a job at a later point?
I think if you have most of the stuff together the night before you could also cut your getting ready time down.

Anon Imperfect Mum

For three days a week and 200 extra I'd jump at it. Each to their own though, how much do you need the money.
In a few more months you'll be dying for some adult interaction, a part time job for work life balance.

Kate Dennis

I would do it! I volunteered for a job for 20 hours a week for 5 months and ended up getting a traineeship for. Crappy pay for full-time hours but pension topped it up. 3 years later off the pension for good (felt great) and 15 years later I have career in the same industry. My sons told me it taught them a great work ethic and you really do have to be organised. Some days it was so hard hard to leave them or not go to work because they were sick and you always feel pulled in 2 directions but in the end it is so worthwhile for you and them.
