Hello im's, im after advice.
I have a dd now 2 almost 3. We have been toilet training for about 4 and a half months, and she still refuses to tell me if she needs to go, or if she has already gone in her pull up. She can put her toilet steps on the toilet, she can flush as well as pull her pants up and down all by herself. Im loosing my mind, i have found myself punishing her more than praising her, and this isnt what i want to be doing. I dont know what else to do to help her get over this hump in the toilet training process. i have tryed praise/presents when she does something right, punishment when she doesnt, Undies, no undies, and pullups instead of nappies, cuz undies and pullups are for big girls. I just need advice as im lost with what to do. Please help.
a very imperfect mum
toilet training, how do i get my dd to tell me she is wet? or needs to go?
toilet training, how do i get my dd to tell me she is wet? or needs to go?
Posted in:
Parenthood Guilt, Baby & Toddler, Potty Training
2 Replies
Does she know the feeling of needing to go? Not all kids make the association of how a full bladder feels.
Watch her like a hawk for a day and see if she shows any physical signs she needs to go. Some kids don't know until the first few drops are coming out. For those kids I use a pretty hard core approach of shadowing the child obsessively and soon as they show those signs of being about to go or starting to go I race them to the toilet. Make sure everything is set up at the toilet because you won't have time to put the steps up etc she will need to go straight away.
I find taking them when they are about to go teaches them how it feels to need to go to the toilet and when to go to the toilet.
Some other signs kids are about to pee is squeezing legs together, leaning forward, going to a quiet place, hard tummy.
As the other said look for physical signs.
My 2 are 14 months apart my older was a nightmare we gave up.
He wore pull ups out and nothing at home.
On my girls 2nd birthday she had undies on and he insisted on undies and wet himself at her party. He is now 6 years old and still has to be reminded to go the toilet. Its just not a priority in his world.