Poop on the toilet!

Anon Imperfect Mum

Poop on the toilet!

Poos on Toilet- my son is just started to toilet train at 2 1/2 and his doing awesome! Very proud- he has no accident except for doing poos... He doesn't even tell me his done one or seem to register that he needs to do one- how can I help encourage him to go poos on the toilet?

Posted in:  Baby & Toddler, Potty Training

2 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Hmmmm keep note what time each day he does poos....just prior give him a nice big book and sit him on the toilet. then patience

Anon Imperfect Mum

Pooing takes a lot longer to get than wees, sometimes months longer.
Watch him for physical cues that he needs to poo. It takes lots of supervision. Some kids squat, some kids lean forward, some kids go to a quiet place. Some kids have a specific time. When you see the physical cues take him to the toilet.
I always found keeping them in eye sight was total necessity so get him fi take toys into loungeroom or where ever you are so you can watch.
