Sahm jobs


Sahm jobs

Hi all,
I'm not a parent yet, however looking at ttc at the end of this year. I'm wondering about options for work with a baby, I've never wanted to have to go back to work after having a Bub but financially will need to. Does anyone have any ideas on a job I can look into without having to put Bub in daycare that will earn an OK income? I'm looking at running a family day care but wondering about other ideas aswell.
Thanks in advance ?

Posted in:  IM's In Business, Money

2 Replies


Night shift, or whatever works when your partner is home. Shelf stacking would be good to just switch off mind and get some $$. You could do laundry, ironing, or if youre handy use your skill for sewing, handmake something and sell it online or at markets (althouh this still requires a lot of time and effort and organisation at least you dont need daycare).


It's the holy grail for mums and unfortunately often not attainable. I just worked nights and my partner worked days to limit the time our son was out of our direct care.
