Have I ever orgasmed?

Anon Imperfect Mum

Have I ever orgasmed?

My marriage of 15 years ended last year, my ex was the only one I'd ever had sex with. I mostly enjoyed yt and thought I orgasmed fairly regularly.

I have since started sleeping with another person, who is becoming frustrated that 'i haven't orgasmed'. Now I'm starting to question weather I have ever actually orgasmed. I get to the point where I have spasms/jerks of pleasure, but that's it. I thought that was orgasming. I've never got to the point of screaming with pleasure or 'squirting' like he's expecting me to. He's really trying, but sex (oral/fingers/intercorse) is taking so long, because he really is trying to 'get me off', that I start loosing interest.

I think I'm broken . . . . . .

Any advice?

Posted in:  Relationships & Marriage, Sisterhood Stories, Kelly (IM2)

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