Daycare, study, work, can we afford it?


Daycare, study, work, can we afford it?

Hello imperfect mums! I'd just like someone to shed some light for me, I have two children who are not my partners, when I moved in with him, I told Centrelink but didn't fill out any forms so I get $0, nothing. My partner earns around $90000 a year, but we are starting to drown a little bit, I'm about to study from home and go back to work full time, I'll only earn around $600 a week, will I be able to afford daycare on my wage? Has anyone heard of the JETS program for studying parents, how does that work? I heard it lowers the daycare fee dramatically!! Parents with two children, how much do you pay for daycare and how much is your family income? Or am I completely dreaming? Thanks!

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4 Replies


Hi there. Yea same thing happened to me when I became partnered. Your income is now combined.
As for the JETS program I am pretty sure that's income based so you wouldn't be elegible. I'm not sure about that so I hope I'm wrong.


Call a daycare and ask their fees. I think it will be fine i cant imagine paying near 600 a week, probably half that. Mine is 400 a week each full fee includes food and nappies and wipes. And put an application in for jet and centrelink will let you know the outcome, they decide how many subsidised hours you get based on your eligibility and activities.
Full time work and study and two young kids will be a stretch though.


Attempt a fiscal fast. We saved a lot and now we do one monthly :)


My partner gets 85000 and i get about 43000 we are not eligible for jet. For one child in full time day care (other is at school) i pay $420 a fortnight after all my rebates etc. This is based on our combined income. The full fee per day for our day care is $87. Its not easy but we are still better off then me being at home. Plus i only have one more year of day care then kids in school and that $420 is in my pocket.
