How to get ahead?

Anon Imperfect Mum

How to get ahead?

I've had many jobs but I have finally found something that makes me happy. Customer service, But I am outgrowing my current position. I want more of a challenge.

I go to work happy. I greet my customers and have so many regulars that we greet each other by name. When I have dull moments in my job (small mining town. Lack of customers some times) I am constantly finding things to do, I hate standing around doing nothing. I make sure I am constanty moving.
Despite having the highest scan rate (most served) most weeks for the last year, I've received no recognition. I've expressed an interest directly to my store manager about wanting to learn more and needing more challenges but nothing has come of it.
I already put in 110% even when I'm ill.
What else can I do?

Posted in:  FAQ

4 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Your store manager could be worried you're moving into their territory and therefore not want to help you, and that's fair enough. Look at where you want to go, are you thinking management, small business etc? If so do some study on the side. There's everything from bookkeeping to management/leadership and while they won't be a big help just yet when the time comes that your manager moves on you'll be in a good position to take over, or if you decide to go into business for yourself you'll have an idea of what you're up against. Good luck in whichever way you go!

Anon Imperfect Mum

I wouldn't say that's fair enough. A good manager and mentor trains and empowers their staff, and offers opportunity for developmwnt and growth without being insecure about their own position. It sound's like what you have is a literal dead end job in a company that doesnt value their employees.

Anon Imperfect Mum

It sounds like it may be a small buisness that is owned by the manager?
Obviously you are good with people and enjoy making their day positive-there are many other fields you could look in to, which require some courses or study.
Aged care, community service, childcare, nursing are all jobs that require someone to have compassions and care towards people

Anon Imperfect Mum

You don't say how long you've been doing the position?
Is it possible that not a lot changes in the business as people higher up don't leave? Some places are like that and you won't move up the ladder until a job opens up and you apply for the job.
