Preloved Adoption Required....

Anon Imperfect Mum

Preloved Adoption Required....

I have a dilemma...

I'm a single Mumma in Melbourne and have been since my baby was young.

I kept all his things and he's 10 now.

I am looking for a unique opportunity to help a family in need of emergency items. I have boys baby items from newborn until 8. I have a toddler bed/cot. A carseat, bath, bathseat and other essentials that a family of boys might need both summer and winter covered.

I don't think I will ever have another bubba and although it'll kill me to let go of my baby's things, it'll kill me more to throw them out.

I do have conditions though...

1; all items need to be picked up. It's going to only one family in need, not on to a sale site. I would have donated it to a refuge for emergency clothes but again, my son's preloved things deserve a loving home of boys who will help support a Mom or Dad in hard times.

2; all items must me used for that family and not resold to others without running their natural life cycle.

3; I am a PTSD, GAD and depression lady. I get it, folks. This is apart of MY healing and it'll give me some peace knowing that I can trust a good home to adopt our lives. We became a whole new family with these things and I want that for YOU. I need to learn to trust and have faith in others and their intentions. Please help me in this.

Think about how we can unite my baby's preloved things with your family and start that handshake of healing...

Please leave your interest and I will happily be in touch as soon as I can! X

Posted in:  Mental Health, Anxiety & Depression, Self Care, Men's Business, Being a Dad, Relationships, Loss & Grief, Helping others through Grief, Health & Wellbeing, Behaviour

2 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Check out St Kilda mums

Anon Imperfect Mum

West welcome wagon - they help refugees /asylum seekers who get put in housing with NOTHING. (No beds or anything and little babies are being born all the time ! You can let their team know this same information and they lol let you know if they can link you with someone :)
