how do i get over my abuser.

Anon Imperfect Mum

how do i get over my abuser.

For the last couple years are relationship had turned very toxic.I finally built up the courage to leave him a few months ago.

Alot has happened in both our lives since the spilt. He went pretty messy for the first month or so but has now become religious? Which is a biggg surprise.

I have a interm vro agaisnt him so we haven't spoken or he hasn't seen our child. (I have just started mediation)

After everything that has happened i cannot help but miss him. I've tried so hard to move on but i just miss speaking to him.
I dont think i want the vro anymore... i just to be a family again.

How do i stop these feelings? Apart of me knows that if i do go back with him that he will turn back into his normal self and ill end up stuck in the same situation i was in.

Posted in:  Relationships & Marriage, Mental Health, Self Care, Behaviour, FAQ

2 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

The best thing you can do is go get some counselling. It will give you an adult to talk to while you rebuild your life, and help identify and break patterns/cycles of abusive relationships.
I found once I realised that the person I loved didn't really exist it became much easier.

Anon Imperfect Mum

You stop these feelings by recognising that it's not him you miss. It's the hope you had that he could be the man you needed, whereas now you don't have that. He has not until now had it in him to be that man, pin your hopes on one day meeting someone who will be.
