Just wondering if anyone can give me some advice please. Im 37 years old and when i was born i was born to a man that biologically wasnt my father. He was named on my birth certificate as my father and did everything and still does to treat me as his own. And to me, he is my dad. At the age of 14 years.. i found out i had a biological dad. I tracked him down and built a "sort" of relationship with him. He was heavily on drugs and an alcoholic. He had alot of built up issues due to he himself being adopted.
I have always wanted to know my real background.. Heritage health etc. But my bio dad refused to ever find anything about his own biological parents.
My biological father has now passed and i can now access adoption records without stepping on any toes, my issue is proving i am a paternal child or paternal grandchild of the adopted person or the adoptees as my own birth certificate has the father who brought me up ( in my eyes my real dad) how do i go about proving who i am? And i have read some things lately about putting a name on a birth certificate that is false is against the law. Im sure 37 years ago, 2 young teens in love didn't think or even know about this. But i wouldnt want to get either my mum or birth certificate dad into any trouble.
Im not interested in tracking down any relatives, just want to know things that my affect me.. health wise.. and culturally. Not knowing these things is driving me crazy. My bio dad passed of cancer and he used his adopted parents heritage as his own. But i have people ask me all the time if i am certain heritage and its definitely not what he grew up saying he was.. even if he knew he didnt even know himself. I have 4 kids and i want to know if there is anything hirreditory health wise when doctors ask.
1 Replies
I have no idea how you prove it as I think proof would probably require a DNA test, but a family lawyer will probably be able to confirm this.
As far as medical information you won't be able to get that info without contacting your bio dads bio family and talking to them. You won't have access to there medical information any other as nobody is legally allowed to release medical info to you wether you are a relative or not.
Sorry I hope you find the answers you are looking for