Possible baby blues??


Possible baby blues??

My ex and I have been on/off/on/off for the past two years. We split shortly after our son was born as he was using ice. I helped him to stop and we got back together for the past year things were great and then the past two months he was showing signs of drug use again. I caught him out and ended things a few weeks ago for good.. About a week before I found out I was pregnant. I did not want to bring another child into the world knowing the father is a drug addict so I had a termination three days ago. I was fine with the decision but tonight I am mess. I feel so guilty brining our beautiful son into this world when his father has ruined his own life and future by using ice. I feel like a failure of a mother and constantly worry about not being enough for my son.

Does anyone know if shortly after an abortion you go through a similar experience to the "baby blues"? I was around 8 weeks along. I am hoping it is only going to last a night or two but I feel like a total mess. I can't stop crying.

Posted in:  Mental Health, Post Natal Depression, Anxiety & Depression, Parenthood Guilt, Health & Wellbeing, Pregnancy

3 Replies


i had an abortion back in 2012, I was 5 weeks, i went through 'baby blues' for the very first time, it started about the 3rd night, i couldn't sleep, i sat in my lounge just crying my eyes out saying I'm sorry, please forgive me, i couldn't bring another child into my world when i wasn't sure what was happening in it, i was struggling and had only been with my partner a few months and he didn't want anymore children either. Baby blues lasted well over 6 months before i started to notice any change, but then i also had the rod inserted and when that didn't go well with my emotional state or mind i switched to the pill which didn't help either, it took a long time for me to recover from the abortion. Everyone is different. know you're not alone, best advice i can give is to remember the reason you chose to have the abortion, you did it for your best interest and so as to not bring a child into an already volatile environment, its hard at the moment, your emotions a are all out of wack, but it will improve as time goes on, but for some its easy and others like you and i it isnt, i couldn't do it again. i hope this helps


Hoping that you're feeling much better.
You did something many don't have the courage to do. So brave.
Wishing you all the best for the future.


You definitely do. I had a medical termination at 15 weeks due to health issues with our Bub. I even had milk come in about 4 days after. I spent 2-3 days just crying over basically nothing. My partner thought I was regretting the decision (I 100% don't) but after those few days I felt a lot stronger and much better and then I could properly grieve our baby and move forward. It's definitely not a decision you can make lightly and it is something that you will probably feel sad about for a long time if not forever. But any time you do just remind yourself why you did it. You made the best decision for your family at the time and that is what being an amazing mum is about. Hang in there! It will get better!
