Please help support me

Please help support me

Hello Imperfect Mum's!

My name is Kristy, an imperfect single mother of two young boys aged 5 and 6. Im a fitter and turner by trade and moved into operating cranes 12 years ago. I worked up until the day I was due with my first son operating the largest crane on a construction site, then at 8 and a half months pregnant with my second son decided to start my own business in crane hire.... waddling into a bank full of crazy pregnancy hormones!!!!

It's been a tough 4 years in operation.

I've nominated myself as 'Tradie of the year' and would love the support of other imperfect mums to help me get into the top 10 finalists. It would help my business a lot with exposer to the building and construction industry! Please support me by voting through the link below!

Thank you!!!! Please wish me luck! Xx

Posted in:  Life Lessons, Sisterhood Stories, Win Stuff, Pregnancy, Kids, IM's In Business

4 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

You go girl! Well done on making a success of it
I've just voted for you. Hope you make it through

Anon Imperfect Mum

Frikkin awesome. I love it!
Good luck xx

Griffin N Knox

Please feel free to share!

Fawn Dunkley

Best of luck!
