I can't do it anymore! I am at my wits end and I just do not know what to do! I've tried everything!!! I have a 3 year old son, I love him so much but I do not enjoy him at all at the moment, I count down the minutes will his nap time and his bedtime, I look forward to when he spends the weekend with his father. It's only been like this for a few weeks! Please do not tell me it's all normal because it isn't, he isn't my only child and I know heaps of children his age. His behaivour has never been great but it has been normal for a toddler, but the last few weeks, I'm crying every single night, his behaviour is so naughty! He screams and yells, he purposely hurts anyone and anything, the dog, the baby, me, you name
It! I timed it today and he screamed his lungs out for 45 mins because I said no he couldn't have a biscuit. He ignores me
Like I'm not there, I legitimately have to scream to get him to stop doing something, his tantrums are constant, he won't share, there is NO good moment, it is a constant battle and I'm constantly yelling his name. I've tried time outs in the chair and in his room, I make him apologise, I've tried smacking him and it doesn't bother him and
I don't like doing it because I'm frustrated and I'd never hurt in but I never ever will smack my child whilst I'm at that level of frustrated. What happened? What happened to my sweet boy who had loving manners, loved to just snuggle,
Would help with everything and share well? What can I do? Am I missing something? His saying nasty things too, but only to his step mum, his calling her names etc, hasn't called me any names YET! I don't know what to do, I'm so lost, is there another form of discipline that will work? Anything at all? I hate not enjoying him!
Out of control 3 year old and a mummy on the edge!!!
Out of control 3 year old and a mummy on the edge!!!
Posted in:
Mental Health, Self Care, Loss & Grief, Parenthood Guilt, Health & Wellbeing, Behaviour, Baby & Toddler, Kids
3 Replies
This doesn't sound like its about discipline. It sounds like your boy is going through something. He sounds like a very angry, hurt little boy. Most kids misbehave for a reason.
How old is the baby? Is the competition for attention causing him to act out and seek out ANY attention, even negative?
Personally I'd kill him with kindness. Praise him for everything and anything. Even if that's him playing on the floor, or outside for 2 seconds on his own. Even if ours fir watching TV for 30seconds, thank him for it. Catch him being good, even if it's for a small glimpse of time.
To me it seems like a reaction to environment or situation.
I just cant believe screaming at him is the only option. I read a lot of anger and outbursts coming from you too it becomes a cycle, you both gwt stuck in this rut of anger. He knows what to expect and what to do.
Try breaking it from your end. Respond to him with praise attention,affection, patience, whisper, snuggles. Bring back kind words, magic, laughter and love.
I hope it doesn't come across as blaming you it sounds like youre a sane woman doing your best, its hard!
There are lots of amazing resources available today to help you with parenting. Know that you're not along in this "three-nager" stage!!
Look into 'Circle of security', 'Positive Parenting Program' and / or '1 2 3 magic'. These are available at your local library or community centre, usually free or low cost. Good luck and you are doing an amazing job mumma!! Keep up the great work xx