Does anyone share my frustrations?

Anon Imperfect Mum

Does anyone share my frustrations?

I have followed this page for about 18 months now and while I find some posts really helpful, I'm left frustrated by others.
Frustrated doesn't begin to cover how I feel after reading some posts.
A long while back, someone wrote in about her partner masturbating on a number of occasions in the same room as their daughter.
Hello? Do you need to ask advice on how to deal with this?
The little girl from that story has never left my thoughts.
We've read many times about the use or being under the influence of ice in the family home.
Again! Do you need to ask for advice? Do people not understand about the unpredictable behaviour of an ice addict? Mum first. Throw love aside to protect your children! Yes I have done this!!!
The children and mums from these stories are often in my thoughts as well. Did she give him another chance? Did he get clean? Did he hurt them? The questions go on. Usually left answered.
More recently. Dad leaves children alone in Bali motel room while he gets drunk and tattooed.
Those poor children!!! They need to be removed from his care asap and never be left alone with him again! Mum can have those children removed by the Australian authorities in Bali!

So my question is, does anyone else have an issue with stories like these being posted anonymously and never getting feedback.
It's already an issue (for me) that rather than act immediately, mums will write in to ask the opinion of strangers and wait days for that advice. In the mean time, who know what damage is being done.
If this was happening before our eyes, we'd act.
Well I know I would. If I knew a person was masturbating in front of a child, I'd contact the police immediately. Same goes for children being raised in homes where ice is used. Same again for neglected children.
So how can we all sit back and read this shit, give advice and then forget it when the next question is posted?
Surely the page creators must read some of these questions and want to act accordingly?
It almost feels like we're all so wrapped up in "the sisterhood" that we're forgetting the innocent children in the centre.

This page is becoming more like a data base used to report criminal activity with the protection of anonymity.

Posted in:  Life Lessons, Relationships & Marriage, Mental Health, Self Care, Men's Business, Loss & Grief, Sisterhood Stories, Parenthood Guilt, Food, Health & Wellbeing, Things to do and see, Win Stuff, Education, Behaviour, Pregnancy, Baby & Toddler, Kids, Teenagers, Aspergers & Autism, IM's In Business, Money

13 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

I appreciate the updates.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I think you have too much time on your hands. If they affect you, unfollow the god dam page. It's that easy.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Wow. That's helpful. ?

Anon Imperfect Mum

I get what you mean...I remember being disgusted at the masturbating with the 10 year old daughter in the room and wondering what the OP did after she wrote the post.
There was also another one about a 3 year old being given alcohol and wonder what happened after the post there too. Some of the posts are truly disturbing and we may never know what happens to these kids.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Yes, I understand completely - it's disturbing to hear about these situations. It would be nice to know they are ok, that help was found, an escape managed.

Anon Imperfect Mum

What really annoyed me with this when I actually posted because I was at my very wits end with what to do, I have a short temper and don't wanna be excluded from my own home for punching a bitch in the mouth and just got attacked the whole time. Clearly no one really understands different situations and only sees it either from their own experience or are very small minded

Anon Imperfect Mum

I think you may be referring to my post 18mths ago on partner and daughter. I'm happy to give you an update if that's right. My daughter was 2wks old or are you referring to another older child post

Anon Imperfect Mum

Oh I'd love an update (not the OP) but there was a separate post with an older child

Anon Imperfect Mum

My post was about him watching porn / masturbating in bed while our newborn slept in cot in same room and I was really weirded out by it.
I spoke to him about it and explained why I found it wierd and he agreed after he'd thought about it. He didn't think it was weird cause she was in seperate bed and asleep and didn't think anything of it till I mentioned it.

He is an awesome hands on dad / husband to both our daughter and older 2 children and I have no concerns what's so ever with him. I think I ws just in shock when I posted after walking in on him but after we spoke it's all ok and I know it's never happened again

Anon Imperfect Mum

There was a post about a father masturbating in the same room as his 10 year old daughter while they both were on the computer.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Yeah that's not ok at all.
I just wasn't sure if OP meant my post or not because of the timeline she mentioned.

Anon Imperfect Mum

OP may have been talking about yours but I really don't think what your partner did was bad. If the child was in the bed then yes I could see why that's a problem but I'm glad you sorted it out anyway.

The Imperfect Mum
So are you saying we shouldn't talk about these issues - Shouel we just live in and Ivory Tower?  Living in an Ivory Tower.  Doesn’t it sound lovely.  It’s a place where everything is perfect, black and white and without a hint of grey.

It’s a place where you’re safe.  Cozy, warm and surrounded by beautiful things. Everything is soft, luxurious and at your finger tips.

There are a pair of rose-tinted glasses at every window.  So when you look out the window, nothing hurts your eyes.  You don’t see the whole picture, just half. Of course there is only a half to every story..OF COURSE!

There’s also a beautiful white horse waiting at the bottom of the stairs, it’s there for you.. For you, and for you only!

There are gloves – white ones of course.  As it’s just too hard to get your hands dirty.. Everything needs to be protected.

Living in an Ivory Tower is not where I reside nor do I want to!

I’m not going to jump on my white horse and gallop through the town chanting “I’m here I will fix everything”.  No, I won’t because that’s NOT REAL!

NOTHING is black and white.  Shit isn’t easy.  If you want to help, if you want to make a difference, get out of your stupid tower, take off those rose tinted glasses and for christ’s sake take those off those gloves.

It’s so easy to sit in your Ivory Tower and say ohh it’s simple “just do this”.  Well if it were that simple our society wouldn’t be experiencing such terrible, awful, disgusting things like child abuse, neglect and the likes.

Our problem in our society is we are experiencing an apathy epidemic.  We’re too busy living in our Ivory Towers.

You see,  people don’t want to live like this.  They don’t want to see their neighbour abuse their children. They want to live in an Ivory tower too.

I may not do things perfectly, actually I fuck shit up daily, And i’m certainly nothing special.  And I may run on a fine line of what is right and what is wrong (in some people’s eyes) however please don’t point your finger at me.

UNLESS you’ve taken off your white gloves, gotten off your high horse, realise we don’t live in a perfect world, and have actually put yourself forward to POSITIVELY contribute to the lives of others and hopefuly make our community just that little bit better.

I believe listening with a compassionate ear will help.  It will change things.. Pointing from your ivory tower will not!

And in finishing..   Thanks to all the beautiful I.M’s that choose not to reside in the Ivory Tower you make my life a hell of a lot easier.


