Toileting Toddler Scared of Poo

Anon Imperfect Mum

Toileting Toddler Scared of Poo

Hi Mums
I left toilet training my son until he is almost 3 because we started his brother too early and it took over a year from 2 years of age to successfully have him trained and he still has issues now with number 2s at age 10.
My toddler has picked wees up straight up which I'm so pleased with but he's only pooping in a nappy, and if he has undies on and has to go, he will start but he gets so upset and stops it halfway. He calls me very upset and I ask if he's done a poo and he admits it. He will cry until I clean him up but won't poo on the toilet, generally waiting until he has a bedtime nappy on. It also doesn't help that as soon as he cries and I take him to the toilet his older brother and sister come and laugh at how cute he is for crying. I've stopped this from happening again because I know this can cause issues with him, and it's only happened a few times.
I know this is a perfectly normal behaviour but I'm wondering if anyone has any advice on how to encourage him it's ok to poo on the toilet. I tried a lollipop, it didn't work. This is all new for him so I don't want to push but I don't like how upset he gets. He also attends daycare 2 days a week where toileting has commenced at the same time. I'm also a previous Childcare educator but dealing with your own baby is so much different than someone else's child. Any positive advice or even similar stories would be very helpful.

Thanks for any help!

Posted in:  Baby & Toddler, Potty Training

2 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

get your hands on story books where children do poos on the toilet. Also look for TV shows, YouTube clips etc praise his siblings for doing poo on toilet. If he'll watch you on the toilet doing a poo then praise yourself.

Anon Imperfect Mum

For my son it was a sensory thing , he hated the feel of the poo coming out . He also suffers from constipation a fair bit so sometimes it would hurt which scared him even more . We were having the same issues as you and we tried everything ! In the end though we let him choose the type of toilet seat he felt the most comfortable on (because he was scared of the big toilet and he hated the potty ! )
I encouraged him to just sit on it (clothes on at first ) so that it didn't feel scary anymore and I think one time we got him to sit on it when he was doing a poo in a nappy and he got upset but it was because he felt the poo was stuck . So I explained to him that if his nappy/undies were off the poos would just fall into the toilet and be gone !! We had to go over that a few times and then he decided he would give it a try and it worked ! Our special toilet seat then had to come with us if we went anywhere (just in the car as he often would only go poos at home anyway ) for a while . He's 5 now and although still has issues with constipation and holding it sometimes :-/ always uses the toilet :)
