How do i wean my 14 month old?

Anon Imperfect Mum

How do i wean my 14 month old?

im completely over breast feeding but how do I get my daughter to stop? I only feed her once a day now but ive come to even dread that.
Ive started the bad habit of breastfeeding her to sleep and now the is no way to get her to sleep without it. when it comes to her day sleeps we are usually out so she just sleeps in the car, if not I just go for a walk in her pram and sleeps easily enough in that.

I tried to get her asleep today with just cuddles and a dummy and she has screamed the house down for the last hour. she doesn't usually use a dummy but I thought it was worth a shot, she cannot seemed to latch on them correctly.

Her dad also works fifo so the is no one else that can help.

Does anyone have any tips? im so exhausted

Posted in:  Life Lessons, Parenthood Guilt, Baby & Toddler, Milestones, Baby Feeding, FAQ

3 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Can someone else put her to sleep for you? Could your mum do it? Maybe give your mum a bottle (as an alternative) to give her and go out for the night. Some times just having the boob unavailable does the trick. Yes she might not go to sleep at her usual time and as easily for a few nights but eventually they do fall asleep.

Anon Imperfect Mum

This is going to sound wierd, I laughed it off till I gave up and tried.

My bub was similar age and I was feeling same that I wanted to stop feeding, he was only having the 1 breast feed a day at night and it would put him to sleep

someone suggested rubbing a little lemon juice around nipple so bub wouldn't want it because of taste ( but also safe to eat if bub was fine with it )
It worked and although bub wanted to feed he would move away everytime with the taste and Id offer bottle instead. After 5 days bub stopped trying and was happy with just bottle for sleep feed

Anon Imperfect Mum

My little one was so attached I couldn't do anything. She would scream the house down. I eventually put bandaids over my nipples and told her they were broken and had ouchies.and slept with a sports bra on at night. I took her shopping and she picked a special cup to have her milk in and now won't drink out of anything except that..
Goodluck I felt your pain for 2 years x
