Are there any mothers who have lost custody of their children through the Family Court?
Let me start by saying my kids are everything to me. I do everything for them. But since my ex and I split 4 years ago he has always tried to get them off me. It's been going on for this long. And now he has finally manipulated our 9 year old (I also have 6 yo, both boys)
He has now got my 9 year old and now the court will rule that my 6yo is to live with him.
Long story but my 9 yo is special needs and he is apparently meeting all his needs.
My 9 year old has been a full on child since the age of 2 when he was diagnosed as Autism spectrum disorder at 3.
The courts won't seperate siblings. And looks like he will get full custody which he's going for. And me having limited time with them.
My bf of 2 years as been through this court dramas with me. And is done with it. He said let their father deal with them, move on with your life, work and travel.
My bf is positive and supportive. But is done with my kids.
Anyone else in this situation?? Been in something similar?
Btw my ex and my relationship has deteriorated completely and he is so horrible to me from what he has done with these court proceedings and abuse and so on.
Our relationship is toxic. And we cannot co parent. But have to stick to a final court order ruled by the judge in November.
4 Replies
Oh my god. You cant say he is supportive and in the same sentence done with them and wants you to give up and enjoy your freedom. Travel. Pfft. So sad. If youre a functioning mother i cant ever imagine a court removing your children from you. You might get less time but not no time. Thats never in the childs best interest.
Taking off and traveling is not either.
Definitely don't listen to your boyfriend! At the end of the day they are your children and your responsibility, not his. Even if your Ex does get full custody, you should make every effort to be a great mum for your boys when you do have them. Who knows how the situation might change in your favour as time goes by, it certainly won't if you've 'moved on' and don't have a place in your life for them anymore.
Be done with that boyfriend if he is done with your kids! And the fact your even considering giving up on them is possibly the reason the court see the father is meeting your child's needs! If he has that diagnosis he needs a parent that will do anything and endure anything, never give up and be consistent!
Pull your finger out, get rid of that manipulating selfish boyfriend and start doing EXACTLY what the courts recommend your kids need so you can have them as much as they need you!!
When I left my kids father I tried to be amicable and left them with him for 1 weekend as I had no intention of ever keeping them from him. He took the opportunity to run with them and after 6 long months was finally tracked down and the long court process started. Because he had them established in schools, daycares etc the judge ordered in his favour. I now see them every 2nd weekend and half of school holidays, my kids beg to stay longer, have more time etc but he uses every chance he can to try and damage my relationship with the children. Fight for your kids, it is so hard, you will have sleepless nights, you will be emotionally shattered and it will be so hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel but your kids deserve you to try your hardest! Don't give up on them, anyone that tells you to isn't looking out for your best interests!