Coping with Loneliness


Coping with Loneliness

What do other mums do to cope with loneliness? I have young children, pregnant with another and my partner works away for a month or more at a time. Lately I have been feeling so lonely and desperate for adult company, it really makes me sad and restless. I have friends and family, but everyday, I feel like I need to get out and be with other adults to chat. However, I'm not going to hound my friends and while my parents love us, they have their own lives and would not appreciate us visiting all the time. I'm pretty sure it's pregnancy hormones causing it. The kids and I are busy during the day and I study at night after they go to bed (when I don't fall alseep myself). What do other mums do to cope? Sometimes I feel like crying. I don't feel comfortable talking to my partner about it as he has been cheated on and her excuse was feeling alone cause he worked away. I'm not interested in men or dick and don't believe in cheating, but I don't think he would understand. Normally I am an introvert and like my own company, but it's really doing my head in. What do other mums do?

Posted in:  Relationships & Marriage, Self Care, Sisterhood Stories, Health & Wellbeing, Pregnancy

2 Replies


Playgroup, join a hobby group, going to the gym (with a crèche), you might find a group for pregnancy. Just going to the playground and bumping into another mum and having a quick chat etc.
if your friends are stay at home mums organising a few play dates makes a big difference


No advice but just want to say your not alone!! My partner works away also he is only home 8 days a month and it gets hard.Im an introvert aswell and usually happy with my own company but i have been getting pretty lonely lately. Hubby is very social and doesnt understand. I have no friends though and i only visit my mum every now and again. So will be follwing ur question aswell ?
