

How did you get through PND/depression in pregnancy? I am 8 months pp with my third baby, and currently 3 months pregnant (not planned). My eldest is in kinder and also have 3yo. I am struggling massively. I just can't seem to find any practical solutions. I'm alone with all 3 10 hours of the day, half an hour out of closest town. I can't keep with the work that needs to be done and the kids needs, I can't give the kids all the attention they need, I'm insanely short tempered with them, I'm suffering episodes of feelings of just wanting to die, that they would be better off without me etc. I've been to my DR, started antidepressants, went to a psychologist appt (just not for me). I feel like day to day life is wearing me to nothing and I don't know what I can do. They are all so young, and so needy with another on the way. I'm not really sure what I'm asking here, I'd just love to hear what you did that helped you find the light and see the positives in life again?

Posted in:  Mental Health, Post Natal Depression, Anxiety & Depression

4 Replies


Does the local town of a church Pasteur or similar. Reach out to them and ask for support. Sometimes people volunteer as part of being involved in going to church. Also Google your local councils website, sometimes they can offer in home supports for a very low fee.
Can the three year old go to family daycare or similar a few days a weeks?

If there are any spare funds look at getting some kind of house cleaner/outsource the washing anything that will take the edge off.


I'm currently 7 months pregnant with a 7, 5 and 10 month old. I've been diagnosed with perinatal depression and anxiety, which basically means post natal but pregnant from what i understand. I experience most of what you've mentioned here, the short temper, struggling to feel on top of anything, wanting to die or run away etc. I'm having a medication review next week (I'm already on antidepressants as I've had depression for 15 years, but things lately are soooo much worse, and anxiety is new for me). I've also been going to counselling every week for 3 months. I think it's starting to help. From previous experience thou, sometimes some counsellors or psychologists don't match well with our own personal needs. Maybe try talking to someone else, and see if another person would be better suited to u. I don't have any other advice, as for me unfortunately I'm not out the other side yet. One day at a time for me...

Kelly De Vries

Hello anonymous - Kelly here, from The Imperfect Mum team. 

I'm scheduling the questions in order, but yours really touched my heart for some reason. Probably because I have felt this way myself - and have met many other mums that also do. 

Will write a reply on facebook - but wanted to send you hugs and let you know your question is now on Facebook. 

Keep us updated! xKelly


Good on you for sharing
I know it isn't an easy task to open up and actually admit you are finding things extremely tough
I went through post natal depression my husband laughed and said I'm just tired and will get over it
So that made it difficult for me to seek help so it went on and on for years I was depressed but was hiding it from everyone
There was a few times I scared myself
I was lost I was a mess
He was away for work in navy and army
I didn't know what to do
I know I missed out alot of enjoying my two beautiful sons you did life
I regret it now that I didn't seek the right help and tell my husband to pull his head in
Because It wasn't dealt with back then I have had mental health issues later in life
Suicide attempts along with guilt
A month long stay at a mental health facility on going psychology and psychiatrist appointments and medications
Get help now so u can try and sort things out
Your children will grow up too fast
I wish you all the best
