I'm seeing the doctor tomorrow to ask questions. I just wanted to hear other ladies stories. I'm currently taking Seroquel 25mg and my partner and i have started trying for another baby. Has anyone had any problems while taking these meds or not been able to fall pregnant? Going off them isn't an option. I did that with our last pregnancy and it was a nightmare for all involved with a couple of hospital visits.
7 Replies
Seroquel being an anti-anxiety or antidepressant?
[email protected] - email him, he's an authority on meds and pregnancy. He should be able to let you know if it's safe to take these.
It's an anti psychotic.
I'm on seroquel, have already had my kids. I really strongly advise you to not start trying or making any decisions to conceive ntil you speak to a GP and work out a plan. Do not get pregnant until you work out a substitute or what is safe.
I'm asking if people who are taking seroquel could fall pregnant while on it.
I'm asking if people who are taking seroquel could fall pregnant while on it.
As long as you ovulate, of course you can. I have found since taking it I only get like 2 periods a year, but if yours are more regular, of course you could, that is why I am saying don't try until talking to gp.
I'm on Seroquel 800mg and had no problems falling pregnant currently 19 weeks it's safe for the entire pregnancy says my psych. I'm terrified of what I'd be like without it...