Toilet training 2 year old

Anon Imperfect Mum

Toilet training 2 year old

Any tips for toilet training a boy? I'm a single mum, my eldest toilet trained at the beginning of this year at just over the age of 3 so I have some knowledge about it. My son is just over 2, and possibly has a form of autism/sensory delay. The last probably about month or two he's been obsessed with taking his nappy off when he's weed or pooed, calling both of it poo. Half the time he will tell me after he's done a poo and run to get a clean nappy. As my eldest was a girl, I felt more comfortable training her(yes I'm probably being silly about that, I just thought his dad would be around to help me with toilet training our son). Should I go the approach I went with his sister, which was straight into undies at home/daycare for a week, with nappies out in public, and work our way up to daytime training 100% of the time, or wait until he's closer to 3? I'm also due to have a baby in 10 weeks, so I am hesitant of this being a setback for him which could cause chaos with toilet training.

Posted in:  Baby & Toddler, Potty Training

4 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

At that age, with that neurology, with another baby on the way, and on your own, I'd leave it for now
I'm a single mum to 5, 4 autistic, and seriously, pick your battles.
If you can find bulk cheap undies, sometimes they work out cheaper than nappies for daytime, but apart from that, just go with the flow
He will get there eventually, promise

Anon Imperfect Mum

I'd leave it. I e toilet trained a bucket load of kids with ASD, including my own son. Unless you are prepared to put in 100% now probably isn't the time. If he was telling you when he was about to pee/poop I'd say go for it, it's the time, but knowing you've done it doesn't equal knowing when to go to the toilet, so I don't think you are holding him back by not training him now.

Anon Imperfect Mum

My ASD boy wasn't fully toilet trained until he was 6, if he not ready he's not ready and ASD kids need your 100% effort when they are toilet training.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Hi mumma. Sorry I can't help with the toilet training. But I would like to know how you found out your child has sensory delays and what you do to help? And how old your child was when you found out? And what pointed it out for you? Thanks so much
