Moving to Toowoomba

Anon Imperfect Mum

Moving to Toowoomba

Hi Imperfect Mums,
I'm just after some advice/opinions? I'm a sole parent of 2 kids, my son has ASD. We currently live in the Wide Bay area. We like it here, we have a few family members and close friends here, I have a decent job, but I'm looking at moving to Toowoomba.
I'd like a change, the Uni offers the course on campus that I want to do, it looks like there's work in my industry (aged/disability support) rentals are about the same price.
Being away from the beach would kill me, and I'll be starting again completely, I don't know a single person there.. my question is, anyone who lives in Toowoomba - do you like it, is it a single parent family friendly town, are there any schools known for being really good for ASD kids, is it hard to make friends when you're starting again, is there much for school aged kids to do on weekends, etc?

Posted in:  Life Lessons, Self Care, Parenthood Guilt, Health & Wellbeing, Things to do and see, Education, Kids, Aspergers & Autism

6 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Toowoomba is lovely, there is a lot to do for young kids. St Saviour's is a good school but not sure how it would be for ASD kids.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Toowoomba is amazing. Very family friendly. The state schools are zoned though, so I would take that into consideration :)

Anon Imperfect Mum

I personally don't like living in Toowoomba, we're in a small town nearby though. We've traded a small commute for a quieter life, bigger yard and a mortgage that costs less than most rents. There's a bit to do as you'd expect in a city but not a great deal is free and no one wants to fork out for entertainment every weekend, we do however have some great camping and fishing spots nearby as cheaper options. Consider if any of you get bad hayfever. I do and live on antihistamines for 9 months of the year. Also if you're moving between April and September bring lots of jackets and blankets. Winter is cold.

Anon Imperfect Mum

May I ask where you live? I don't know the area well, but have a friend in Warwick and he loves it there. Although it would be a drive to go to uni

Anon Imperfect Mum

We're out towards Dalby (but not that far). In this particular area you have Oakey as the biggest town but there's also Wellcamp, Gowrie Junction, Goombungee, Kingsthorpe, Biddeston, plus a few more. There's also little towns and growing communities out the Warwick side of the city which happens to be the side of the city that you'll also find the uni. Places like Westbrook, Wyreema and Cambooya. I'd avoid down the range. Commuting up and down that thing every day would be painful.

Anon Imperfect Mum

There is a TAFE in Warwick.
